
Incredible density of air flights network in the modern world:目を見張る航空機輸送網

(English and Japanese in the same article)
 When I was wroking for a consulting company, I was amused by the convenience of air travel in this world (like in this article in Japanese). You know we have such a frequent flights between major cities. For instance, we probablly have flights between Fukuoka and Tokyo at least every 20 mins or so in Japan. Europe is the same. It is such a convenient world in which we can use flight just like train.
 Related to this, I just found really a interesting movies at Wired, showing air traffic in the world and in EU. You will be surprised by the density of the air flights network on the Earth.

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Comparison of nominal GDP of Japanese regions, cities, and other countries:日本の都道府県、地域、政令指定都市と世界各国の名目GDP(域内総生産)比較

(Japanese and English in the same article...)

 I know... I know I have to spend time on the exams... But I'm tempted to create this table to encourage Japanese people who are sometimes overly negative.

 This table includes 2005 nominal GDP calculation of all the Japanese regions, and representative cities, together with almost all the countries in the world. You can compare your home town with other countries. You will be surprized about the size of your home region...
(このテーブルは日本の全ての都道府県と政令指定都市の名目GDP(域内総生産)と世界のほとんどの国と地域の名目GDPを比較しています。そう、、あなたの出身地とあの国やこの国を比較することができるんです! きっとびっくりすることでしょう。。。)
 続きを読む (Click here to read full article)
posted by Cotton at 07:55 | Comment(3) | TrackBack(0) | 政治と経済(Politics&Economy) | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


One of the most momentous resignation Letters in the history. Please use, if you need...-;):歴史上最も重大な「辞表」もし必要ならぜひ。。(汗

(Japanese and English in the same article)

 Do you have experience of writing and submitting a resignation letter? I just found there is a simple but really significant and momentous resignation letter on the internet encyclopedia, WiKiPedia. If the importance and significance of the job indicates the importance of the letter, I guess it is the one of the most momentous resignation letters in the history...
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posted by Cotton at 09:02 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 道具箱(gadgets) | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする