
Yesterday's (8 years ago's) today....:President George W. Bush 2001 Inaugural Address and more...:昨日の今日。ブッシュ元大統領の就任式@2001年(おまけ付き)

(English and Japanese...)

  You probablly watched today's Barak Obam's speech. So, how do you think? You can also watch yesterday's today as well.... Last president, George W. Bush, was delivering the same kind of speech in 2001, as you know..., probablly with lots of hope and popularity....)
  (おそらく、このブログを見ている人はオバマの大統領就任式典のスピーチをご覧になったかと思います。さて、どう思われましたでしょうか。「昨日」の今日と見比べてみてはいかがでしょう?もちろん、ジョージ W ブッシュさんも、2001年に同じようなことをしているのです。きっと、、夢に満ちて、人々の期待を背負って。。。)
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posted by Cotton at 04:39 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 道具箱(gadgets) | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


Oxford Edition of Monopoly, one of the most popular board game of the world!!

(English only...)

You should buy this "Monopoly Oxford Edition" if you are/were in Oxford!!
This is Oxford edition of the offcial Monopoly, the very famous board game that you might played at least once in the past...

So, click the link and get it!!


Maybe you can buy streets, hotels, and maybe some colleges of Oxford???
You can refer to this to improve your skills to win!

posted by Cotton at 09:29 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 道具箱(gadgets) | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



(Japanese Only... Just describing what kind of life I am enjoying in Oxford)

 続きを読む (Click here to read full article)
posted by Cotton at 23:08 | Comment(2) | TrackBack(0) | 留学-生活編 (oxford MSc&DPhil) | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


Preliminary Thoughts on the Potential of Small Organization

(English only...)

I    Introduction

  In the age of globalization, expanding business into global becomes increasingly important even for local start-up/SMB. The changes of external environment are rapidly changing the established pattern of the international expansion of small domestic organizations; increasing number of companies is entering overseas markets from the earliest stage of their operations (e.g., “Born Global”). I was a member of the management of three start-ups, and felt the impact of global competition. As a management consultant, I observed number of small companies to leverage outsourcing services, providing well-designed electronics in global market. I came to understand globalization brings significant threats and opportunities even for small organizations.
  Theoretically speaking, a small organization can potentially enjoy competitive advantages against a larger organization in today's business environment. The emergence of new methods to obtain funding, outsourcing services, and low-cost marketing opportunities has destroyed the traditional limit of small organization. The flexibility enables these organizations to select the best-qualified partners and gives them the ability to deal with large fluctuations in demand. Furthermore, the shorter decision-making process allows these businesses to develop more innovative products and services in short amount of time. Given an existence of abundant external resources in the market, small organization can be an attractive and strategic choice to maintain a competitive advantage. Although it is not an instantaneous shift, there are many indications that within decades a small organization of 20-30 members will be able to operate a global value chain, potentially a billion dollar international business.
  However, in reality there are only a few examples of such small organization that operates large global value chain. The two most significant factors may be the economics of scale and the additional transaction costs associated with the adoption of external resources. While the benefit of being small will be maximized in knowledge intensive business with fluctuating demand and diversified needs, it may not be advantageous in labour-intensive or capital-intensive business that requires the economics of scale. Furthermore, at this point higher transaction costs associated with inter-firm exchanges in the value chain consisting of several independent organizations outweigh the benefits in most cases. Therefore, general argument is that small organization is under significant pressure of globalization. Global competition is threat, not opportunity for small domestic organizations.
  Number of articles aim at providing insight on the impact of globalization, outsourcing, offshoring and other major trends on the larger organizations. However, application of established theories on small businesses is still at examination stage, especially due to the diversity and complexity in SME sector. The question is if the change of external environment is an opportunity for small domestic organization or not. Potentially, globalization might destroy all the local businesses. On the other hand, it may provide significant opportunity for small organization. We have to figure out how small organization can maximize its unseen potential in the next century. This short work presents several preliminary thoughts on the potential of such small organizations in the next century.
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posted by Cotton at 19:48 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 学問(studies) | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


Great Piano Play from Japan: I don't have many words on the potential of user generated contents shown on this movie

(English only...)
 I don't have many words to describe the potential of user generated contents, but I would like to show you a movie posted by a private piano player on a famous video sharing site, NikoNiko douga.
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posted by Cotton at 08:04 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 道具箱(gadgets) | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


Best Picture Award 2008

(English and Japanese in the same article...)

  Increadible fact is that last year was the first year with a degital camera in my life. So, I have bought the first my own camera in December 2007. The secret is I was using mobile camera to take picture untile before!!

  To seleblate the end of the first year in my photoghrapher life, I would like to present you the six best pictures I have took in 2008. The judgement has been based purely on the picture itself, and I forgot all the stories behind them. (You know, if I take such factor into account, I might choose some more not interesting pictures for other people than me...)

  So, please check!
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posted by Cotton at 07:43 | Comment(4) | TrackBack(1) | 旅行(Travel) | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



(Japanese only...)


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posted by Cotton at 06:23 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 留学-生活編 (oxford MSc&DPhil) | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする