
Theories on the corporate boundary decision

(English only... draft)

  Discussions of the organizational boundaries, most recently outsourcing decisions, are a central phenomenon that has been viewed through multiple theoretical lenses. The theories on the existence of the firm are classified into two major streams: Transaction Cost Economics and the Resource Based View. However, recent developments suggest that a number of other theories, such as institutional theory and contingency theory, should also account for the decisions.
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BUSA Yacht Nationals & Varsity にむけた練習で週末ヨットセーリングレースに参戦してみた。

(Japanese only...)

 さて、時はさかのぼる事二週間前、今回は金曜日から日曜日まで参加したBUSA Yacht Nationals&Varsity練習レースの模様をお送りしたい。
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posted by Cotton at 04:14 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(3) | 留学-ヨット編 (oxford sailing) | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


Theories on the international location decision of the firm (UPDATED)

(English only... personal note)

  Location has been considered as a potential source of advantage of a nation and firms. The macro-level discussions around the national advantage provide useful insights into the motives of cross-border relocation and supplement the micro-level discussions of how firms decide to internationalize.

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posted by Cotton at 06:19 | Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 学問(studies) | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


Rise of Global companies (UPDATED)

(English only...)
   Firms develop through interactions with their environment. In fact, eighteenth-century firms were as well designed to adapt to their environment as those of the twentieth century (Boyce and Ville, 2002). Due in large part to the innovation of social systems and changes in the external environment, firms have evolved over time to the point where they stand today.
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