資料:全てWikipedia (笑)
This article is talking about the auther's thought around the military related expenses and other figures of the U.S.
He mentioned that; 1) 15-25% of their annual budget (40-50 trillion Yen) has been spent on military related expenses in the U.S., and 2) The figure accounts for around half of the worldwide military expenses.
He connected these facts with the caractaristics of U.S. industry structure like; 1) 1 out of 25 people engages in military related job in the U.S., and 2) Total military related expenditure is roughly the same amount to the 8% of their GDP.
He then referred to the construction industry in Japan, which accounts for significant portion of Japan's economy, saying that it is not a big problem even if a country's industry structure is somehow strange only when it does not make trouble to someone outside of their country. (of course it IS a problem, but smaller problem....)
Connecting to his privious statement, he indicated that U.S. is aggressively exporting military equipment to the other parts of the world and gaining almost 50% share of the total military export, on the other hand, insists that Iran is supporting terrorizm, notably Hizbuilah, and the U.S. is supporting "the peace of the world"
By raising several other facts, e.g., the country's support on Israel and the country's nuclear weapon development, he commented that the U.S. should think and realize what they are doing even if there are many hidden factors that can not be simplifed and that are difficult to understand for outsiders like himself....
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