A military group seized power in a coup in Mauritania. The economy was under great development before, but it seems to be unclear if it continues or not.
Georgia is now under Rossian intervention in the civil war. International institutions are doing nothing on this matter. Tiny power of anti-war politicians can nothing on this kind of matter.
11 American soldiers has been killed in Iraq in THIS month, within just 10 days. Over 4300 Ameriacan soldiers alone have killed since the beginning of this. 3000 innocent people were killed by the September 11th attack. BUT "that" has nothing to do with "this"...
<Please watch the CNN video above>
Even in Japan, new cabinet is trying to attract Japanese nationals by doing appliarently ineffective tax reduction and other fiscal actions; that made me feel "no hope"
Above all, I touched passing of a friend who were really kind, smaily, and soft. I felt it's impossible forecasting anything in the future from this unpredictable death. Because I spent limited but very good time with her, the reality made me quite nervous quite more than that from the other things in the world.
I'm going to move to the next stage of my life. I'm without any difficulty now. But, I can see many unhappy topics around the world. Because I'm favored, I should:
1) not be carried away;
2) treat others well;
3) look into the reality and attack on the issue we must solve.
That's what I got for our future.
That's what I got for our future.
- 国境を超える者達。
- 若者たちの直面する無理ゲー:ドーハで出会..
- トヨタのライバルはグリー:走ることの楽し..
- 帰属集団。メディア。自分を変える。
- The power of person ..
- 理由の無い栄華にはいつか終わりがくる。
- 人生の長さと世の中の大きさのたとえ話。
- 空気となるもの。
- 盆栽
- 桜・さくら・サクラ
- 虐げられる職業・自分たちと考えの違う人た..
- 会話を作るもの。会話が作るもの。(草稿)..
- 言葉足らず
- 人種のるつぼ・運転免許試験場
- 想像出来ない現実。人間社会の悲劇
- 世知辛い世の中
- ケータイに思う:僕らが若者を理解出来なく..
- 本当の旅
- 一日は短編映画、人生は長編映画
- もっとも成長する人