
Best Picture Award 2008

(English and Japanese in the same article...)

  Increadible fact is that last year was the first year with a degital camera in my life. So, I have bought the first my own camera in December 2007. The secret is I was using mobile camera to take picture untile before!!

  To seleblate the end of the first year in my photoghrapher life, I would like to present you the six best pictures I have took in 2008. The judgement has been based purely on the picture itself, and I forgot all the stories behind them. (You know, if I take such factor into account, I might choose some more not interesting pictures for other people than me...)

  So, please check!
Because I have no ranking in these six pictures, let me introduce them in chronological order. The first picture is "A day in Frankfurt". The very last days in Frankfurt. (特に6枚の写真に順位は付けていないので、時系列に紹介させてください。最初の写真は、フランクフルトの一日。本当にフランクフルト滞在の最後の方で撮った写真です。)

A day in Frankfurt
2008年2月17日 1/540s f7.2 ISO 100 GX100

The second picture is "A night in Paris with Seine". The final project in Europe was great development opportunity for me.

A night in Paris with Seine
2008年3月8日 1s f2.5 ISO 150 GX100

The 3rd is "Ocean Morning". It was really a tough but great sailing.

Ocean Morning
2008年8月22日 1/940 f2.8 ISO 100 GX100

The 4th is "Moon Light in London". It was just after the first exam in Oxford.

Moon light in London
2008年12月12日 1/9 f2.5 ISO 150 GX100

The fifth is "Grand Navigation". This island and ocean is the final step ChristopherColumbus stayed before he finally discovered the New World.

Grand Navigation
2008年12月18日 1/1300 f7.2 ISO 100 GX100

Finally, "Travel on a road". It was a good holiday in Ireland.

Travel on a road
2008年12月28日 1/570 f8.4 ISO 100 GX100

So, how did you find the pictures? I hope you could enjoy them. See you next year!!

posted by Cotton at 07:43 | Comment(4) | TrackBack(1) | 旅行(Travel) | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする
Posted by rie at 2009年01月06日 10:31
最後のアイルランド映画のP.S.I love youみたいで素敵!
Posted by Piroko at 2009年01月06日 22:05
Posted by papa at 2009年01月07日 08:19


Posted by cotton at 2009年01月08日 03:16
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